Courses Offered

SCcyber E-Learning Community

Below please find a course listing of the online learning high school courses available through SCcyber E-learning Community & SCcyber Elearning Institute. New options courses are frequently added, so if you don’t see an option you are interested in listed, please inquire if it may be available.

You can complete and fulfill all the requirements of the Alberta High School Diploma Requirements online with us!

For more details on the courses and pricing, click here for a more comprehensive look at course credits, their cost and how each course relates to gaining an high school diploma.

SocialEnglishMathScienceAdditional Courses
Social 7/8/9ELA 7/8/9Math 7/8/9Science 7/8/9Aboriginal Studies 10/20/30 (5 credits)
Social 10-4ELA 10-4Math 10-4 / 20.4Science 10-4Adult Literacy Level 1,2,3 (not for credit)
Social 20-4ELA 20-4/30-4Math 15 prepScience 20-4Adult Numeracy 1,2,3 (not for credit)
Social 10.1ELA 10.1Math 10.3Science 14Calm 20
Social 10.2ELA 10.2Math 20.3Science 24CTS: Sustainability Project (up to 10 credits)
Social 20.1ELA 20.1Math 30.3Science 10/20/30CTS: Child Care CCS3110-3150 (up to 5 credits) Eligible for Alberta Government Level 1 childcare certification.
Social 20.2ELA 20.2Math 10CBiology 20/30CTS: Orientation to Online Learning {COM1255), Animation
Social 30.1ELA 30.1Math 20.1 Chemistry 20/30CTS: Mechanics (up to 10 credits)
CTS: Financial Literacy 10 (1 credit)
CTS: Foods 10 (up to 5 credits)

Legal Studies 10 (3 credits)
Social 30.2ELA 30.2Math 20.2Physics 20 /30Impact – Heroes are Warriors (personal mental wellness) (3 credits)
Impact – Heroes at Home (positive parenting skills) (3 credits)
  Math 30.1 Personal / General Psychology 20/ Experimental Psychology 30
 Math 30.2 Physical Ed. 10,20,30
Math 31 World Religions 30
World Geography 30
Work Experience 15/25/35
Special Projects 10/20/30